Our Lenten Devotional Guide, written by members of St. John’s Clergy, staff, and parishioners, is available now! We welcome you to use it to enhance this thoughtful and holy season.StJohns_LentenDevotion_2025
Our Sunday Services: Join us for a Rite I Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. or for Rite II at 9:30 a.m. Christian Formation for children follows the 9:30 a.m. service during the school year as does Coffee Hour fellowship for adults. For the short term, we are holding services in the Parish Hall as we do much-needed work to the church facility.
New to St. John’s? Find out more here! Convenient free street parking can be found in our lovely Hyde Park neighborhood adjacent to the church on Morrison, Orleans, Willow, and Oregon Avenues. We ask that our parishioners and visitors be careful not to block our neighbors’ driveways and obey all street signs.
Our Lenten Devotional, with prayers and spiritual inspiration from our own parishioners, can be found here: StJohns_LentenDevotion_2025.
Our Lenten Devotional Guide, written by members of St. John’s Clergy, staff, and parishioners, is available now! We welcome you to use it to enhance this thoughtful and holy season.StJohns_LentenDevotion_2025
You are invited to St. John’s Lenten Dinner Series beginning March 12. Each week we’ll gather for a time of prayer, fellowship, and delicious meals prepared with care by our parish family. 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. – Stations of the Cross in the Church (optional) 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Dinner in the Parish Hall 6:30…