However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will not know if you or someone you love is there unless you tell us. W e want to provide support in any time of need or crisis.
Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email
The shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2
This Week in
St. John’s
Thursday, January 5
10:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing & Anointing (Chapel)
Men’s Thursday Bible Study and Lunch
11:45 a.m., Peterson Room
The Men’s Thursday Bible Study and Lunch group meets on Thursdays at 11:45 a.m. at the School’s Middle School campus. The readings the group will study are those from the Revised Common Lectionary for the coming Sunday.
Please do not park in the Four Green Fields parking lots. Lunch is sandwiches at $5 per person. RSVP if you would like to partake.
Sunday morning Adult Formation classes will meet again beginning January 8 at 10:30 a.m. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes and will take place in the Lowry Room. Bring your coffee and join the conversation! For more information, contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or kmoore@
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
Monday, January 9
Bible Women
4:00 p.m., Lowry Room
The study group for Bible Women by Lindsay Freeman meets on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. in the Lowry Room. All women are welcome and each week is a standalone lesson. The book may be purchased from Forward Movement for $15. Please complete the noted readings and reflections.
CWBS will begin a study of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians on January 10.
After conversation and a light breakfast (fruit & some type of bread) that members take turns bringing, the study starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends shortly before 8:00 a.m.; a few people may leave early if they have to go to work.
All women of St John’s and their friends are welcome; the current group includes several valued members from other branches of Christ’s church. For more information, please contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or
Mid Morning Women’s Bible Study
The Mid Morning Women’s Bible Study will meet in the Church Sanctuary from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 10. They will be continuing the study of the Luke’s Gospel which they began in the fall. Their focus for the first session of 2017 will be Luke 9.
The group invites all interested women to join them in the Church Sanctuary from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. on alternate Tuesdays. For more information, you may contact Joan McKay at or Pat Wilson at 644.4640 or
Wednesday, January 11
12:15 p.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)
Wednesday Nights In St. John’s
6:30 p.m., Parish Hall
No matter what you believe, no matter how you behave, Jesus invites you to follow In God’s Footsteps. In this eight-session study, best-selling author and pastor Andy Stanley shows you that Jesus’ invitation was really an invitation to relationship and this study explains what it means to follow Jesus.
The Wednesday Nights group will continue viewing this series through February 1.
January 11 – The Fine Print
January 18 – What I Want to Want
January 25 – Leading Great
February 1 – Unfollow
The group invites all parishioners and friends to join them each week in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and an open heart and mind for discussion. Contact Paul and Winkie Game at
The Annual Meeting of St. John’s Parish will take place on Sunday, February 12, following a combined service at 10:00 a.m. There will also be an 8:00 a.m. service as usual that Sunday. A lunch of Cubanos, regular Cuban sandwiches, chips, dessert, as well as coffee, tea, lemonade, and water will be served at the meeting.
Voting for new Vestry members will take place before the Annual Meeting begins on Sunday the 12th. Votes can also be cast the two Sundays before the meeting (January 29 and February 5) between all three services. Additionally, ballots can be cast in the parish offices during the weeks of January 29 and February 5 during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no absentee voting.
Cornerstone Kids Christmas
There was such excitement in the air at the Christmas party on December 15! Before receiving their gifts, all of the children sang carols and performed in other ways for the large crowd of parents, children and teachers.
Thanks to everyone who helped ring in the season! Many of you lovingly bought and wrapped requested gift items such as dolls, trucks, games and Legos. Others kindly helped to stock the food pantry with needed macaroni and cheese, ravioli, canned vegetables and protein bars. Monetary donations were graciously accepted too. Thanks again to everyone who was involved in any way, big or small!
2017 Pledge Envelopes
Please plan on picking up your 2017 pledge envelopes this Sunday, January 8, in the parish hall. The vendor who provides us with the envelopes has experienced machinery problems, but plans on having them to us the first week of January. Thank you for your patience.
Fr. Connelly Appointed as Dean
On December 17, the Bishop appointed Fr. Connelly Dean of the Tampa Deanery, succeeding Doug Scharf, Rector of Holy Innocents. While this is an honor for our Rector and our parish, from a practical standpoint there will be no change for St. John’s. You will notice that upon the commencement of his time in this role, Fr. Connelly’s clerical designation will change from the Reverend to the Very Reverend.
Focus on Faith Adult Confirmation Begins February 26
Are you an adult seeking confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of your faith? Focus on Faith will prepare and direct you toward an expression of this deeper commitment. The format is a small group experience where participants learn more about the Episcopal Church and our Christian beliefs. It is also a time to connect with others on your Christian journey.
The eight-week program will begin February 26 and is led by Rev. Janet Tunnell. Visitation for Confirmation by The Right Reverend Dabney Smith, Bishop of Southwest Florida, is May 7. Questions? Pick up a brochure, call Janet at 518.5232, or email her at jtunnell@ Register by phone or email with Janet
by February 15
Events and Fellowship
The St. John’s Book Club
The St. John’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, January 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the Lowry Room. Janis Chapman will lead the discussion of The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Everyone is invited to attend.
Christian Education
Mid Morning Women’s Bible Study Resumes
The Mid Morning Women’s Bible Study will meet in the Church Sanctuary from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 10. They will be continuing the study of the Luke’s Gospel which they began in the fall. Their focus for the first session of 2017 will be Luke 9.
The group invites all interested women to join them in the Church Sanctuary from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. on alternate Tuesdays. For more information, you may contact Joan McKay at or Pat Wilson at 644.4640 or
Children and Youth
EYC January Schedule
The next EYC meeting will take place on Sunday, January 15, in Discovery House. Middle School will be at 4:30 p.m., and High School is at 5:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Parents’ Night Out
Save-the-Date and book a sitter for a Parents’ Night Out on Friday, February 24. Details coming soon!
Children’s Ministry Dates and Details Now Available!
This Sunday, January 8, we will distribute the 2017 Calendar of Children’s & Youth Events, as well as some other pertinent materials, during Sunday School Check-In. If you aren’t in church this Sunday, please contact wwolf@ to receive your packet. The calendar is also available for download from our website, and hard copies are outside the parish offices.
Vacation Bible School Volunteers Sought: June 19 – 23
Whether you want to join us for the whole week and lead a section of the program, contribute a few hours for afternoon care, help purchase supplies, or bring a snack, we are in search of enthusiastic helpers to ensure this year is a great success! If you’re interested in participating in any way, big or small, please contact Whitney Wolf as soon as possible at wwolf@ or 312.244.0871.
Next Mom’s Morning: Thursday, January 19
The next Mom’s Morning will meet on Thursday, January 19, at 8:45 a.m. in Discovery House. Come for as little or long as you’d like and please feel free to bring your little ones. Toys and coffee will be provided. For more information or to RSVP, please contact wwolf@
Sunday School Volunteers Sought
Do you like what we’re doing in Sunday School? Would you like to be a part of it next year? If you are not currently on our team of teachers, assistants, substitutes, and helpers, but would like to be for the fall of 2017, please contact wwolf@ to discuss further. We can never have too many dedicated parents helping to bring the word of the Lord to the children of our parish.
Action Items and Opportunities
Candle Available
The candle in the sanctuary light is available on January 8 and 22. If you would like to take one of these opportunities to honor a loved one and support St. John’s, please call 259.1570 or email parish@
From the Parish Register
January 5, Kevin Page
January 6, Rheem Humaid Masaood
January 7, Louis Krikorian, Preslie Price, Bruce Samson, Harry van Loveren
January 8, Kathryn Compton
January 9, Oliver Lacktman, Brenda Orcutt, Sadie Saunders, Arthur Severn
January 10, Kathleen Brown, Skye Bryant, Nancy Burchill, Andrew McIntosh, Lacher Polins
January 11, Brody Kellar, Sol Kohlhaas, John Marston