All St. John’s Church and School youth are invited to Universal Studios Orlando, from Saturday, September 7, at 1:30 p.m. to Sunday, September 8, at 3:00 a.m., to Rock the Universe! Click “Read More” below to order tickets online through PayPal. Click here to download the permission slip.
This annual Christian music event will feature Casting Crowns, Jesus Culture, Lecrae, Relient K, Red, Everfound, and Crave, to name a few. The group will take a charter bus to and from Orlando. Parents can drop off students at Youth House at the school’s Middle Division campus and pick up will be at the same location.
Price is $65 (includes park ticket and bus ride). Students should bring money for snacks, etc. Email Nick Herrin to reserve your spot and get a permission slip before August 31st. This event will kick off the St. John’s Youth group year, regularly scheduled Middle and High School youth groups and High School Bible study will resume on September 15.