Announcements (Page 6)

Online Prayer Resources

Many of us are using online prayer, scripture, and devotional resources-some are old friends from pre-pandemic days, others you may have discovered more recently.   Here are some examples that you may want to sample; all of them are free.  If you know of others, please send the information to Deacon Kathleen at and she will share them.…

Holy Week and Easter 2020 In St. John’s

Thursday, April 9: Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) with the Stripping of the Altar streamed on Facebook Live. There will be no footwashing this year so that we can remain within the 10 person recommended guideline for social distancing for the safety of our clergy, staff, and choir. Bulletin here: Maundy Thursday…

Rocky Railway VBS Registration Now Open!

Participant and volunteer registration for St John’s 2020 Vacation Bible School, to take place June 15 through 19 at St John’s Middle Division campus, is now open! Click here to go there. St John’s VBS is open to potty trained 3 year olds up to current 4th graders, and the cost is $40 per child.…

Adult Enquirers Class Begins in February

New Vestry Members Elected

Congratulations to our newly elected Vestry members, Paul Brokaw, Brett Divers, Richard Hadlow, and Jan Kelley! Thank you to all those who stood for election. Thanks also to those whose term has just ended and who gave of their time, talent, and passion to make our Parish even better. We also appreciate everyone who made…

A New Year, a New 20/20 Vision: The Esther Society

Drawing on the strength and courage of Queen Esther, this new fellowship initiative at St. John’s will foster friendship, fun, and spiritual growth among our fabulous female parishioners. Our first Esther Society gathering will take place in the Parish Hall on Monday, February 10, at 6:30 p.m. All women are invited to join; come prepared…

Annual Meeting of the Parish

The Annual Meeting of St. John’s Parish, which will include the election of four Vestry members from the nominees above, will follow a combined service at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 2. The combined service will take the place of the 9:15 and 11:15 services. The 8:00 a.m. service will take place as usual. The…

Advent and Christmas Lessons and Carols

Vestry Nominees

Eight parishioners have been identified by the nominating committee of the Vestry and have agreed to stand for election. They are Paul Brokaw, Denise Cassedy, Brett Divers, Lynn Fluharty, Richard Hadlow, Jan Kelly, Kim O’Brien, and Dottie Webster.Click here to see biographical information and photos of all the candidates: Vestry Slate 2020 Early voting will…