Lenten Series: RSVPs Needed

Lenten Series: RSVPs Needed

We hope you will join us
on Wednesdays in Lent for dinner and
discussion groups for both adults and children
We welcome you to come to a few, most, or all of the evenings. It
is not necessary to come to every session to enjoy and benefit from them.
We ask you to RSVP via the link below for ANY and ALL of the weeks you plan to attend so that we can ensure enough food for ever
The after-dinner adult program is a series based on Harold Kushner’s book
When Bad Things Happen to Good People, presented by the Rev Everett Walk of Sarasota. This will be an engaging conversation, not a lecture or book study. In the first session, we dealt with the typical answers and justification for why bad things happen and ask whether those justifications work or not. The second session takes a look at the journey of Job in the Old Testament. Job and his friends had to deal with this question head on. The third session attempts to offer means to build our own personal responses—a very energetic and engaging task, to say the least. The last session wraps it up and offers ways to deal with random suffering.
After dinner
, c
hildren will gather in the Lowry Room for seasonally appropriate discussion topics and activities while parents are in the Parish Hall having their discussion.
For more information, contact Deacon Kathleen Moore at
kmoore@ or 785.9400.