VBS Registration is Now Open!

Online registration for St John’s Vacation Bible School (June 18 through 22) is now up! VBS is open to all children in Pre-K through 4th grade, and this year’s fun and spirit-filled theme is Shipwrecked. We ask that all parents of VBS participants volunteer in some way (either before, during, or after VBS). Volunteer sign…

Combined Service and Parish Picnic, April 8

On the Sunday following Easter, as is our custom, we will combine the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services into one 10:00 a.m. service, to be followed by our spring Parish Picnic. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be grilled by the Fathers’ Ministry of St. John’s. Parishioners with last names beginning with A through L, please bring a side dish. Those with…