5/3/17 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

May 3, 2017 Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website   Visit our EYC page   Visit our Children’s Ministry page Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website AmazonSmile   Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from…

4/26/2017 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

April 26, 2017 Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website   Visit our EYC page   Visit our Children’s Ministry page Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website AmazonSmile   Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from…

Parish Picnic Spring 2017

Combined Service and Parish Picnic Join us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. for a combined service followed by our spring Parish Picnic!  We will combine the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services into one 10:00 a.m. service, to be followed by the annual Parish Picnic.  The 8:00 a.m. service will be held as usual.  Casual dress is…

Scoop April 20, 2017

  Children’s Ministry Events and News Sign Up to Teach Sunday School This Summer   May 21st will mark the final day of our school year Sunday School program, after which we will switch to weekly volunteers throughout the summer. Host families will provide a snack and teach a lesson to a mixed-age group of…

4/19/2017 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

  April 19, 2017 Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website   Visit our EYC page   Visit our Children’s Ministry page Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website AmazonSmile   Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy…

Annual Spring Parish Picnic: April 23

On the Sunday following Easter, as is our custom, we will combine the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services into one 10:00 a.m. service, to be followed by our spring Parish Picnic. The main course and dessert will be provided by St. John’s. Parishioners with last names beginning with A through L, please plan to bring a side dish. Those…

4/12/17 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

April 12, 2017 Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website   Visit our EYC page   Visit our Children’s Ministry page Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website AmazonSmile   Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from…

Holy Week and Easter in St. John’s

All services are held in the church, unless otherwise noted. *Denotes that child care will be available in the parish nursery. The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, April 9 8:00 a.m. The Liturgy of the Palms and the Holy Eucharist (Rite I) 9:15 a.m. The Liturgy of the Palms and the Holy Eucharist (Rite…

Scoop April 6, 2017

  Children’s Ministry Events and News Easter Egg Painting Party – This Saturday Saturday, April 8, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Parish Hall Join us in the Parish Hall this Saturday to paint some eggs, partake in fun seasonal crafts, and enjoy friendship and light refreshments. We ask for a small donation and a dozen pre-filled plastic eggs…