Stapleton Gooch Funeral

         News  from St. John’s Church The funeral service for parishioner Stapleton Gooch will take place on Saturday, October 1. The service will be at 11:00 a.m. in St. John’s Church. Please join your parish family in holding Stapleton and his family in your prayers. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy…

9/28/16 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

September 28, 2016 Issue  Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will…

Scoop: September 22, 2016

  Children’s Ministry Events Family Service This Sunday Sunday, September 25, 9:15 a.m., Parish Hall Join us in the Parish Hall to celebrate the Liturgy in a casual and and kid-friendly alternative to the formal service in the church. The monthly Family Service is a great venue to introduce our youngest children to Episcopal lessons and traditions in a more relaxed environment. We…

9/21/16 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

September 21, 2016 Issue  Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will…

9/14/16 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

September 14, 2016 Issue  Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will…

Scoop: September 8, 2016

  Children’s Ministry Events Sunday School Kick-Off This Sunday September 11, 9:15 a.m. Parish Hall Our Fall Sunday School Program will kick-off this Sunday, September 11. Kids will convene in the Parish Hall at 9:15 a.m. for a lesson and will return to the church during The Peace/Greetings so that they may partake in the Eucharist…

From the desk of the rector

  September 7, 2016 Ordinary Time My dear parish family, The time between the Feast of Pentecost and the First Sunday of Advent is known in the Church as Ordinary Time. But this time is anything but ordinary in St. John’s Parish. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and vitally active in your Church. We welcomed the Rev. Chase Ackerman from The General…

Hank Pomerantz Funeral

         News  from St. John’s Church The funeral service for parishioner Hank Pomerantz will take place on Friday, September 9. The service will be at 5:30 p.m. in St. John’s Church. A reception will follow at 7:00 p.m. at the Davis Islands Yacht Club, 1315 Severn Avenue. Please join your parish family in holding Hank and his family in…

9/7/16 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

September 7, 2016 Issue  Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will…

8/31/16 Weekly Wednesday Scroll

August 31, 2016 Issue  Quick Links Visit our website Visit the St. John’s School website Visit the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s website Parish Office Phone: 813.259.1570 We want to provide support in your time of need! However, health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will…