Welcome, Fr. Dale!

June 8, 2022 Dear people of Saint John’s, I am very excited to announce that I have called the Rev. Dale Van Wormer to be our new Priest Associate for Formation and Liturgy. Father Dale comes to us from the Diocese of Albany, NY. After interviewing several candidates, it became apparent that Father Dale was…

Senior Sunday 2022!

Saint John’s Senior Sunday will be Sunday, May 8, Mother’s Day, at the 10:00 a.m. service. Come help us honor our high school graduates, and hear them speak about their time at Saint John’s! If you have a graduating high school Senior, and you have not been contacted about Senior Sunday, please email Youth Minister Ayana Grady at agrady@stjohnstampa.org!   Junior parents, we will need…

Easter 2022

Join us for a blessed Easter on Sunday, April 17 at one of our lovely services! 7:30 a.m. Flowering of the Cross begins (please bring your own flowers, we will have a limited number available for those who forget) 8:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist, Rite I, in our beautiful historic church 9:15 a.m. The Holy…

Wednesdays in Lent 2022

Join Fr. Chris each Wednesday in Lent beginning March 9 for an incredible liturgy, fellowship, and learning opportunity. The group will begin by walking the stations of the cross in the nave of the church at 5:00 p.m. Following stations, Fr. Chris will lead a class entitled “Confession and the Episcopal Church.” We will explore…

Vestry Elections 2022

The Vestry Nominating Committee has identified the following eight candidates who have agreed to stand for election for the 2022 Vestry: Bob Alter Doug Arthur Roddy Belfatti Steve Fluharty John Giordano Donna Gem Betsy Graham Steve Straske Biographies and photos of the candidates can be found here: Vestry Bios 2022. The Annual Meeting of St.…

Greetings from our New Rector!

To the people of Saint John’s, I am so excited to begin the work God has called us to in partnership! As you all know, my time as The Rector starts on Tuesday, 1 February. My family and I are most excited to join you all in the Worship of Jesus Christ, especially in The…

Nothing Stops Sandwich Sunday!

Sandwich Sunday Hosts Needed!

We are in need of Sandwich Sunday hosts for this year. Hosts can assemble lunches for the deserving patrons at Faith Cafe at their own homes, and deliver them the next day, or assemble them in the Parish Hall with help from other parishioners. Costs are reimbursed by the parish. Contact Cindy Martin if you…

Women’s Retreat: February 5

The annual St John’s Women’s Retreat will be held on Saturday, February 5, in person at the Franciscan Center in Tampa. The day will include prayer, conversation, music, quiet time, and a discussion of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Holy Envy. The retreat is offered as a gift to the women of the parish by the…

Christmas 2021

Join us for one of these wonderful celebrations of the Christmas holiday! Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist, Rite II 6:00 p.m. – The Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with the Choir of St. John’s 11:00 p.m. – The Holy Eucharist, Rite I, with the Choir of St. John’s (pre-service string…