Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
In a truly joyful service on Sunday, August 24, we celebrated the new ministry of St. John’s Church through the induction of our 16th Rector, the Rev. Charles E. Connelly. Bishop Dabney Smith presided and preached, and in attendance to witness the blessed event were a number of Episcopal priests from our deanery, including: Fr. Eric Kahl, Rector of St. Mary’s; Fr.…
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
Click Here to View: Weekly Wednesday Scroll
The Wardens and Vestry are pleased to announce, with the full agreement of the Right Reverend Dabney T. Smith of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, that the Reverend Charles Evans Connelly has been called as the Sixteenth Rector of Saint John’s Episcopal Church and Parish Day School. This occurred by a unanimous vote at a special…