The 2021 Interfaith Thanksgiving service had many participants from both congregations. It was a very meaningful service, especially after not being able to gather last year. Rabbi Kornworcel reminded attendees how much for which we can be grateful in his homily, and our Deacon Kathleen read prayers of thanksgiving. Our choir sang beautifully as always.…
All members of the parish should have received a letter from our stewardship co-chairs, Kevin Kellar and Steve Stanford, along with a pledge card for 2022. If you have not received your pledge card, please notify the church office or download one here. You can also make a gift or pledge online. It is our…
Our annual Pet Blessing took on a new look this year, as not only did we include memorial commemorations of past pets, but we held a Eucharist in the Church and blessed those pets who are with us making our lives sweeter every day! For more pictures, visit our Facebook page!
The Way of Love small group for those under 40 meets the first Wednesday evening of each month at 7:15 p.m. via Zoom. Contact Fr. Cannon for more information or visit the Episcopal Church’s website to see the materials. We hope you will join us!
Check out videos of our parishioners as they talk about the impact the Holy Conversations program had on their growth in faith.
Our Interim Rector, Fr. Fred Robinson, recently wrote a message to our parish community to update the St. John’s family and encourage everyone to return to in-person church whenever possible. Read it here!
Listening sessions are an important part of the bishop coadjutor search process. As the Search Committee prepares to accept nominations and then conduct interviews of candidates, they want to hear from members of the diocese to help form a vision for who should be our next bishop. In person Listening Sessions with committee moderators attending…
Although our EYC youth had to stay local this year, they still jumped into an incredible, fun, and impactful mission trip the week of June 1 through 4! On Tuesday they did work around the church, Wednesday they were at Feeding Tampa Bay, and on Thursday the older children worked at the Humane Society. Over…
Confirmation was held this past Sunday for the 2020 and 2021 classes of St. John’s confirmands. We had 30 youth and 17 adults confirmed by the Bishop! Visit our Facebook page to see more photos.
Congratulations to our 2021 high school graduating seniors! We wish you the best as you take God’s love into the world. You are always welcome home here at St. John’s! Check out more photos on Facebook.