Congratulations to our 2021 high school graduating seniors! We wish you the best as you take God’s love into the world. You are always welcome home here at St. John’s! Check out more photos on Facebook.
The Vestry of St. John’s is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Fredrick A. Robinson as Interim Rector of St. John’s. He will serve in that capacity until the Search Committee completes its search and the Vestry calls a new Rector. Fr. Fred retired on January 31, 2020 after serving as Rector…
St. John’s Senior Sunday will be Sunday, May 2, at the 10:00 service. Come help us honor our 2021 high school graduates, and hear them speak about their time at St. John’s! If you have a St. John’s graduating high school senior, and you have not been contacted about Senior Sunday, please email Youth Minister Ayana Grady…
St. John’s invites parishioners and the entire diocese to join us for a three-part speaker program featuring Christian M. M. Brady. The events will take place on Sundays April 11, April 18, and April 25 at 4:30 p.m. The hour-long events will be held virtually on Zoom. The link will be sent to St. John’s…
Congratulations to Sarah Bricklemyer, Alvie Casey, Laura Cruse, and Lockwood Gray for being elected to the Vestry at our Annual Meeting of the Parish on Sunday, February 14. Also appointed were Brett Divers as Senior Warden, Suzy Lopez as Junior Warden, Laura Hobby as Clerk, and Carleton Compton as Treasurer. We look forward to a…
In addition to a livestream of our service at 9:30 a.m. live on Facebook, and on our website each Sunday, the following ministries and worship currently take place at St. John’s. The services are also available on our YouTube channel, Sunday Faith Formation Sunday School for all ages takes place each Sunday after the…
Our services are a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the more traditional Rite I at 8:00 a.m. and the Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Rite I on the first Sunday of the month), at 9:30 a.m. The 9:30 a.m. service is streamed on Facebook, on our YouTube channel, and here on our website. You can also…
Many of us are using online prayer, scripture, and devotional resources-some are old friends from pre-pandemic days, others you may have discovered more recently. Here are some examples that you may want to sample; all of them are free. If you know of others, please send the information to Deacon Kathleen at and she will share them.…
Thursday, April 9: Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) with the Stripping of the Altar streamed on Facebook Live. There will be no footwashing this year so that we can remain within the 10 person recommended guideline for social distancing for the safety of our clergy, staff, and choir. Bulletin here: Maundy Thursday…
Participant and volunteer registration for St John’s 2020 Vacation Bible School, to take place June 15 through 19 at St John’s Middle Division campus, is now open! Click here to go there. St John’s VBS is open to potty trained 3 year olds up to current 4th graders, and the cost is $40 per child.…