Norman F.J. Allen III, Colonel, US Army, Retired

Norm is a lifelong Episcopalian, and as an Army Brat, was raised in churches across the country and overseas. He was routinely involved in the church as an acolyte or Sacristan while a student at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN.

After law school at the University of Georgia, he practiced law in Athens, GA for a few years and then embarked on his own Army career as a Judge Advocate. He came to Tampa in 2014, assigned as the Staff Judge Advocate, or senior lawyer, for US Special Operations Command at MacDill Air Base. Norm retired from USSOCOM in 2018 after a 30-year military career, which included living across the United States, overseas, and several combat and contingency deployments in less pleasant environments.

During his time in Tampa, Norm has attended St. John’s, and for the last few years he has been more actively involved as an usher and lay reader. Norm also serves as a volunteer mentor with the Hillsborough County Veterans Court.