The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of truth, grace and love and joy.
The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of truth, grace and love and joy.
It’s wonderful to be with you this morning to celebrate the work of Episcopal Schools, and to give thanks and proclaim to our community the wonderful news that is St. John’s Episcopal Day School.
It seems that what John’s Jesus is telling us is that flesh alone, that is, matter alone, stuff alone…is not the way into relationship and unitive living with Jesus.
On the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, Fr. Robinson preaches about being an active Christian and an active member of your church. Today’s readings are 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and The Gospel According to John 6:35, 41-51. You can see those readings and more in our online bulletin which can be found at this link.
The mana story teaches us that blessings stored soon spoil.
In multiplying food and creating this experience of enough, this experience of abundance, Jesus is showing the nature of the kingdom of God.
….That to enjoy eternal life with God, we have to receive that salvation, accept the spirit, and be born from above, anew, again, from the heart.
With the Spirit’s help, we too are able to speak truth to the powers of the world. And this means that wherever and whenever we see injustice, we are duty-bound to address it.
This mystery, I believe, offers us a deep understanding of Christ, of the world, and of our relationship to both.
It did not happen all at once, but I did have a new birth.