….That to enjoy eternal life with God, we have to receive that salvation, accept the spirit, and be born from above, anew, again, from the heart.
….That to enjoy eternal life with God, we have to receive that salvation, accept the spirit, and be born from above, anew, again, from the heart.
With the Spirit’s help, we too are able to speak truth to the powers of the world. And this means that wherever and whenever we see injustice, we are duty-bound to address it.
This is the night. This is the night when we gather as God’s people to hear the stories of salvation history. The stories that teach us who we are, who’s we are, what we believe, what our God is like.
To take up our cross is to suffer the consequences of faithful living, which may indeed be painful and challenging.
An end is so close, but it is just not there yet.
Forgiveness is not a single action but rather a way of life.
“…what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
God unconditionally accepts us, and we ought to be honest with him.
It invites us to recenter our life the way Jesus did: on God’s will rather than our own. On making God bigger in the world rather than ourselves.
This Gentile woman offers Jesus a reminder that there is enough good news for everyone.