We need to also know that the movement of love that we recognize as Holy Spirit is happening all the time.
We need to also know that the movement of love that we recognize as Holy Spirit is happening all the time.
Through Him, all the people God loves… will share in a peace that represents wholeness of person and unity with others.
We are unwise…..to be held captive by speculation. Our visions of a new creation, eternal life, and the communion of saints ought to set us free from that.
Together, these two are known to summarize the Decalogue.
I’ve seen the holiness of the Christian community here increase day by day. I will leave you confident in the knowledge that it will continue to increase day by day and confident in the future of the church I love.
In humble obedience, we are to strive to look like God in what we do and say. To reflect Christ’s passionate heart. This is how we give to God the things that are God’s.
The deep truth of Isaiah’s feast is that death itself is on the menu; it too is swallowed up.
In God’s Kingdom, there is an abundance of steadfast love.
“…what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
God unconditionally accepts us, and we ought to be honest with him.