When we pray for open eyes, open minds, and open hearts, it just about guarantees that we, as disciples, will be called to take some risks. And I think that healthy stewardship requires us to take some risks.
When we pray for open eyes, open minds, and open hearts, it just about guarantees that we, as disciples, will be called to take some risks. And I think that healthy stewardship requires us to take some risks.
The people of St. John’s clearly know that we are stewards of God’s creation, and that we are called to give of our time, talent, and treasure for the spread of the kingdom of God.
Think of all of the good that has been done because of people giving their money just this last year, for instance.
It’s wonderful to be with you this morning to celebrate the work of Episcopal Schools, and to give thanks and proclaim to our community the wonderful news that is St. John’s Episcopal Day School.